Please refer to the scoring rubric below as you create your proposal title, abstract, and description.
Criteria |
(1 Point) |
(2 Points) |
(3 Points) |
Very Good
(4 Points) |
(5 Points) |
1. Currency, importance, and appropriateness of topic to the field
The topic is not current, and/or lacks importance or appropriateness to the field. It does not appear to be a worthwhile session. | The topic is only tangentially related to the field, not completely current or important to the field and/or to the potential audience. It may not be a worthwhile session. | The topic may not be completely current or groundbreaking, but it is relevant to the field and potential audience. It might be a worthwhile session. | The topic is current, important, and appropriate to the field and potential audience. It appears to be a worthwhile session.
The topic is cutting-edge, relevant, ground-breaking, or significant to the field and potential audience. It appears to be a very worthwhile session.
2. Purpose, participant outcomes, and session type
The proposal is inappropriate for the session type, and/or the objectives are not clearly stated or implied.
The proposal may be appropriate for the session type. The objectives and participant outcomes may be too general or broad to be achievable.
The proposal is generally appropriate for the session type. The objectives and participant outcomes are stated or implied but may lack sufficient focus | The proposal is appropriate for the session type. The objectives and participant outcomes are clear. | The proposal matches the session type. The objectives and participant outcomes are very clear.
3. Theory, practice, and/or research basis
The proposal does not mention theory, practice, or research, or it is unclear how this session is connected to the field.
The proposal provides background references to
theory, practice, and/or research, but it is not specific, or it does not relate the theory, practice, and/or research to the content of the presentation. |
The proposal refers somewhat to the theory, practice, and/or research on which the presentation is based in an understandable way and relates it to the content of the presentation.
The proposal refers clearly to the theory, practice, and/or research on which the presentation is based in a thorough and comprehensible manner and relates it directly to the presentation content. | The proposal refers specifically to the practice, and/or research on which the presentation is based in a thorough and comprehensible manner and relates it directly to the presentation content. |
4. Support for practices, conclusions, and/or
recommendations |
The proposal makes claims with no indication of the support for those claims.
The proposal makes some stated or implied reference to support, but it is not clear whether sufficient support will be provided for practices, conclusions, or recommendations. | The proposal gives some indication as to how practices, conclusions, or recommendations will be substantiated.
The proposal provides details indicating that the practices, conclusions, or recommendations will be substantiated.
The proposal provides ample details indicating that the practices, conclusions, or recommendations will be well substantiated.
5. Clarity of proposal as indicator of presentation quality
The way in which the proposal is written suggests that the presentation may be poor. | The way in which the proposal is written suggests that the presentation may be weak.
The proposal is adequately written but suggests that the presentation may be uneven or of moderate quality. | The proposal is clearly written and suggests that the presentation will be of very good quality.
The proposal is very well written and suggests that the presentation that will be of professional quality.
Total Score:
Comments: |
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