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Interested in Teaching ESL?
Whether in the US or overseas, teaching ESL is extremely rewarding! TexTESOL III has a few recommendations to get you started on an outstanding career as an ESL teacher or professional. The following information is based on this area’s availability and is generalized. Strategies for each person will differ depending on one’s goals.
Step 1: Get Trained
There is no single federal certification for adult ESL teachers, and requirements vary from state to state. Be sure to check state requirements before you consider your career path.
A. Certification
Online – a number of certificates are available online. We suggest you begin your search with TESOL’s Core Certificate Program.
Traditional – Certification programs are available at institutions of higher education. Check your area for availability, or contact TexTESOL III for resources.
B. Degree
It is possible to train in teaching ESL through certain programs in higher education and earn bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees. Check your desired area for availability.
Step 2: Get Professional
A. National membership in TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Membership in TESOL is strongly recommended for ESL teachers because of the professional development, networking, and job/placement service opportunities, just to name a few advantages.
B. Local membership in TexTESOL III
This local affiliate of TESOL represents the Austin and nearby regions of Central Texas. We are active and provide a great way to network and improve your profile as an ESL teacher.
Step 3: Get Experience
Check with local libraries, schools, and service organizations for opportunities to become involved as a volunteer, tutor, or teacher. Sites like have year-round opportunities!
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TEFL/TESOL Certification
The TEFL Store, a UK-based website, has articles pertaining to TEFL courses, shares information on what TEFL is, where interested students can study it, and how to get the certification. This is a free advisory website about TEFL and TESOL course programs, certification processes, and professional opportunities.
Texas State University to offer Graduate Certificate for Teaching Adult ESL/EFL
Texas State University in San Marcos offers a Graduate Certificate for Teaching Adult ESL/EFL. The program is designed for individuals who want to teach, design, and coordinate English as second language education programs for adults in community colleges, study abroad programs, and profit/not-for profit institutions offering adult ESL/EFL instruction.
Resources for Working with Refugee Populations
CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics) has a variety of publications for understanding and communicating with refugee students from many different countries. Resources are listed alphabetically. To find resources relating to a particular country, type the country name in the Search box. Those interested in purchasing bilingual dictionaries, can check this online resource for a selection of dictionaries in 60 different languages.